December 26, 2009

School party

Chase had his birthday party at school the week before his birthday. The teachers allowed parties on Fridays, so it was the best way for us to include all his friends. It was a Power Ranger Party. We had little turkey and cheese sandwiches, chips, cupcakes, and juice. Caleb even got to come over from his class to join in the party.
This picture is not very clear, but it was an important part of the celebration:

Chase's classmates gave him very nice gifts. This is one of his best friends named Oscar. He lives very close to us, so we are planning to have him over to play a lot this summer.

Oh, yes, don't forget the pinata!! It was filled with candy and little toys. Now they make them where you don't have to smash them. You just pull a ribbon on the bottom and a flap opens up. Wonderful! And a lot less dangerous since there is no stick involved...

One gift that Chase received was a little golf set. We decided that Uncle Mark needs to come down and give a few lessons to his nephews!

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