December 27, 2009

Christmas Day!!! We thought it would never get here!

We started our Christmas countdown on December 1st. Each night we read a devotional and added a character to Chase and Caleb's nativity scene. Finally, on Christmas day, both boys wanted to bring in Baby Jesus. We had our devotional and spent a few minutes talking about what it must have been like on the first Christmas day. Then we prayed and thanked God for the precious gift of His Son.
Then it was time to open presents!!!!

Oh, wait, we needed to open our stockings! The reason you only see 3 stockings is because Crystal's stocking was so full that it was spilling out presents. It was covered by the red blanket.

The boys got new flashlights from Mema and slinky's from Granny Pope. Thank you!

Claire even got a gift. Thanks, Aunt Ginger!

We had so many gifts that we are having to show the pictures in 2 different blog posts. So, this is the first installment...
Thank you, Grandma, for our new video games!

Some new winter shirts and vests for later. Thanks, Nana Banana and Grandpa!

Magnetix fun. Thanks, Bubba!
New Legos. Thanks, Nana Bev and Papa!!

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