October 18, 2009

A Great Day at the Fair

The celebration of Chile's independence lasted a week. There were fairs all around the city. We went to a park close to the guest apartment where we had been staying...

We got to see many different and interesting animals. These are either llamas or alpacas.

The boys didn't know what these animals were because we had never seen sheep this fat in Africa!

During this time of year, Chileans like to look back at their history and how the ranchers and farmers lived. They had a neat display at the entrance to the fair.

So much fun. See the post below for our fun playtime.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

How fun!! I'm so my glad my favorite nephews are getting to enjoy themselves.

I am so glad my fav. older sister is getting to wear jeans in public. Not the most important thing in life but they sure are comfortable!