August 31, 2009

More school pictures

The boys are just inside the entrance gate of the school. This is actually the end of a day and Caleb is holding a little puppet that he made.
This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school... early in the morning. We walk to and from the school most days, and try to leave by 7:45. It is only a few blocks from our temporary apartment. However, the time to walk it varies by how many dogs we need to stop and look at (or birds or cats), how many flowers we stop to pick, or how many little curbs we need to try to balance and walk on. I think the average time is about 16 minutes. After we move to our house, though, we will have to drive because it will be too far to walk. I think I (Crystal) will really miss these walking/talking times. You can learn a lot from 5 and 3 yr olds!

Here is Chase playing with a friend in his class. They wear labcoat-looking things (called cotonas) over their school clothes.

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