July 16, 2008

Other things we did on vacation (back in May!)

The boys spent the week watching a couple of eggs in a birdnest right outside one of our windows. We saw the mama bird (a pigeon), but never saw the babies. However on the last day, we saw a little spot on one that was starting to crack. How exciting!

Just for fun, Chase and Caleb each got one little braid. They loved them and showed them off to everyone they saw. Don't worry, they only kept them in for a couple of weeks.

In the little town close by, we found a merry-go-round. Chase and Caleb rode it about 8 times over 2 days. They tried just about everything on it, but these were their favorites.

One morning we got to see a fishing net being pulled in and emptied. We saw lots of sea critters. (Caleb is not in the picture because he is back with Mama so that our toes wouldn't get pinched by the little sand crabs.) There were jellyfish, manta rays, crabs, huge shrimp, all kinds of fish, and bunches of seaweed.

We also got to ride in a horse and carriage through a village one evening. It was a nice ride, and we had lot of kids running along behind us. I think that was mainly because our kids were hollering at them in Wolof. The Senegalese thought that it was sooo funny! We really enjoyed our time outside of the big city. We are ready to go again!!

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