February 07, 2008


Well, I can't get any pictures to upload, so I'll just tell you what Chase has been saying. One night he told me, "Mom, my stomach is grinting." I asked him what he meant, and he said, "You know, it's happy, so it's grinting." "Oh," I said, "you mean that it's grinning." I guess it had finally had enough candy.....

Another time, after his curtains had fallen down, and I had rigged up something in their place, Chase said, "Wow, Mom, you are clever!"

Last week, the boys stayed with some friends while Chad and I got to go on a date. Yeaa! Well, the father of the other children asked him what his favorite food was. He said, "Anything my mom makes for me." Hmmmm.. I wish he would remember that at dinner time.

This evening, he was being so nice to help Caleb eat his apple slices while I was teaching my class. Then I heard him say, "Caleb, hurry and eat your healthy snack so that we can have candy!"

Finally, I am going to have to videotape this one: "Mom, PLEASE can I do some homework?" I'm sure I will need to show it to him when he is a teenager.

This is such a small fraction of what we hear all the time. Chase is constantly saying interesting things, but I am going to have to write them down when I hear them.

Maybe I'll remember more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great memories. Those little voices just echo in our minds and last forever.