November 23, 2007

Broadcast Jesus!

Chase told me last week that he knows a way to tell everybody about Jesus. "Great!" I said, "How?" He answered, "we could get some big speakers and put them on our roof and hook up my [mp3] player to them and play Jesus music real loud." I like it!

1. We listen to the muslim call-to-prayers 5 times a day, every day, starting at 5:30am played over loud speakers at the mosques all over town.
2. A journeyman who has now left Senegal gave Chase an mp3 player.
3. Chase calls it his 'R2D2'.
4. Chase calls Christian music 'Jesus music'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys are getting so big! Yall are a precious family. I miss you and pray for you. Much love- Maggie